
October 29, 2017

Reformation Sunday

Prelude: Overture-Suite in A Minor   Georg Philipp Telemann

Christine Deng, flute

Chiming of the Hour

*Hymn: #275 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God     Martin Luther


Joys and Concerns

Choral Introit: The Word of God will firm abide

Call to Worship

One:    Gather together to hear stories of faith and courage.

Listen for the ways God has acted among us.

All:      Our ancestors in the faith listened for God’s word. They dared to believe God’s promises.

One:   Leaders like Moses and Paul saw evidence of God’s work. They believed they were face-to-face with God’s      truth.

All:      They looked beyond the present moment.

            They lived for dreams not yet realized.

One:    Many felt God’s love in knowing Jesus. They experienced a new relationship with neighbors.

All:      They looked beyond the present moment.

            They lived for dreams not yet realized.

One:    Many felt God’s love in knowing Jesus.

They experienced a new relationship with neighbors.

All:      We have come seeking community centered in Christ. We want to feel God’s presence as we worship.

One:    Come, let us worship God together!

 Opening Prayer (in unison)

God, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the earth was formed, long before there were people on this planet, you were fashioning life in its myriad forms. Out of the billions of years you have been creating, our lives have come to this moment of meeting. We stand in awe before you, amazed to discover that you care about us, tiny blips on the screen of eternity. O God, we want our lives to count for something. Show us how to fit into your plans. Amen.

Call to Confession

 Prayer of Confession

O God, we have missed your signs and wonders because we are so busy creating our own. Those around us who pretend to be your prophets offer little to which we aspire. Yet, we pray with the psalmist, “Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, so we may rejoice and be glad all our days.” Where is the meaning we have missed in all our striving? Does Jesus hold the key when he says, “Love God with all your being,” and “Love your neighbor as yourself’? O God, we long to make sense out of life. Help us to follow your way. Hear us now as we turn to you with our silent confessions, seeking your mercy, forgiveness and grace.

Moment of Silent Confession

Assurance of God’s Love

*Gloria Patri: #584 Glory, glory, glory, glory to God on high! (repeat). And on earth peace to all people in whom God is well

pleased. (repeat)

 Responsive Reading – Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17

(Page 673 HS in pew bible)

Reading from the Hebrew Scriptures –

Deuteronomy 34:1-12

(Page 842 HS in the pew bible)

Children’s Message & Lord’s Prayer

(Children leave for Sunday School and Youth Discussion Group)

*Hymn: #630 Fairest Lord Jesus

Offering of our Gifts

Anthem: Choral from Cantata #80       Johann Sebastian Bach

Though fiends appear on every hand, and eager to devour; we need not fear; we can withstand and baffle all their power.

Donald Sosin, organ

*Doxology: #607 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Christ, all people here below; praise Holy Spirit ever more; praise Triune God whom we adore. Amen.

*Prayer of Dedication

 Gospel Reading – Matthew 22:34-46

(Page 30 NT in the pew bible)

Sermon: “Putting the Protest Back in Protestant”

Reverend Dr. Diane Monti-Catania

Pastoral Prayer & Silent Prayer

Choral Response: Though they take from me here

* Hymn: #853 We Are Marching in the Light of God


Response: Babethandaza                        arr. Daniel Hughes

We are like this because of prayer.

O our ancestors, they were praying.

We are marching in the light of God.

Postlude: Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott             Helmut Walcha

(* Please stand if able.)

Welcome Statement

We, the Salisbury Congregational Church, seek to love God with all our hearts, souls and minds and love our neighbors as ourselves.

This Church declares itself to be Open and Affirming to all for participation, membership, leadership and employment regardless of race, ancestry, class, gender identity, physical/mental ability or sexual orientation.

We further declare ourselves to be Affirming of each individual as a child of God, celebrating the total identity of each person.

As a declared Open and Affirming Congregation, we commit ourselves to work toward ending ignorance, fear, hatred, prejudice and discrimination against any person.

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!

If you are visiting us today, Welcome!

Please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to our Pastor or to one of the Deacons. Fill out a welcome card in the pew to be put on our email list!

Please join us in the Parish Hall for refreshments and fellowship following worship. All are welcome.

Please see an usher:

If you would like to use a hearing device

If you would like to bring your child to the Nursery

Many thanks to:

Theresa Carroll for serving as lay reader

Sheryl Kennedy for serving as Youth Discussion Leader

John Arnold and Michael Voldstad for ushering

Prayer List

Annette Dwyer, Dartanian Oyanadel, Jane Fitting, Libby Bishop, Miles Bishop, Reverend Terry Ryan, Chuck Carroll, Andrew Gunderson, Dick Taber, Gail Weigel, Paula Blumberg, Harriet, Emily, Carolyn and Peter, family and friends of Jane Dwelley, family and friends of Evan Rashkoff , and those among us who struggle with anxiety, depression and addiction


The 273rd Annual Meeting, Part I, of the Congregational Church of Salisbury will be held following the worship service this morning for the purpose of:

  1. Discussion of the 2018 budget;
  2. Any other business that needs to come before the congregation.


Today:             Following worship ~273rd Annual Meeting, Part I

3:00 Ordination of Sara Khrla –Winchester Congregational Church

Tuesday:          5:30 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday:     9 am Music Committee Meeting

7:15 pm Choir Rehearsal

Thursday:         4:30 pm Women’s Bible Study

7 pm HousaTonics

Friday:             7:45 am Men’s Bible Study

Next Sunday:   11:30 am Trustees Meeting

2 pm Noble Horizons Service

3 pm The Red Altar Presentation

Pastor Diane will be out of town Wednesday – Saturday. For pastoral emergencies, please contact a deacon.