
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
July 7, 2019

Chiming of the Hour


Prelude: Christ Our Lord to the Jordan Came J.S. Bach

Joys and Concerns | Silent Prayer

Introit #515: I Come With Joy DOVE OF PEACE

Call to Worship

One: The realm of God has come near.

Enter this time of worship with joyous expectation.

Many: We will extol you, O God, for you have drawn us up. You rescued us from the pit and restored us to life.

Sing praises to God, all faithful ones.

Give thanks to God’s holy name.

Many: We have known your favor, O God, in many ways. You have healed us and turned our mourning to dancing.

Rejoice in the work you are given to do.

Give thanks that your names are known to God.

We will praise you, O God, and not be silent.

We will give thanks to you forever.

Unison Prayer of Invocation

Gracious God, our helper, we greet you this morning with expectation. We receive your welcome and anticipate your teaching. Let our ears be attentive to your Word, and our hearts be responsive to the glimpses you give of your realm of grace. Come, Holy Spirit! Amen.

Hymn #700: I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me

Call to Confession

Unison Prayer of Confession

Gentle God, angry God, gracious God,
we know we have let you down in many ways. We have not lived up to your high intentions for us. You send us out as ambassadors of peace, and instead we pick fights with our sisters and brothers. You commission us to travel light, then we become bogged down with possessions. You ask us to help ease the burdens others carry, but we add to them. You call us to joy in your inclusive realm, yet we create our own ghettos. Patient God, will you forgive us again? Amen.

Moment of Silent Prayer

Assurance of God’s Love

Gloria #583

Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest!

Glory to God, glory to God, alleluia, alleluia!

Responsive Psalter: Psalm 30

One: I will honor You, O Holy One, 

For You have pulled me up from the pit, 

Many: And did not let my enemies gloat over me.

O God, my God, I cried out to You for help, 

And You healed me.

O Loving One, You brought me up from the grave, 

You restored me to life
from the realm of the dead.

Sing praises to the Almighty, O you who are faithful, 

And give thanks to the God who is Life.

Who seems to forsake us but for a moment; 

Whose favor is for a lifetime. 

Weeping may linger for the night, 

But joy comes as surely as the morning.

 When I lived untroubled, I declared, 

“I shall never be distressed.”

Your face, it seemed, beamed upon me an abundance of gifts, And I stood firm as a mighty mountain.

When I lost sight of Your face, I was terrified.

I called to You, O God, and to You I made my appeal:

What good will come from my destruction, From my going down to the land of the dead? 

Can the dust remember You? 

Can it tell of Your faithfulness?

Hear me, O God, and be gracious to me! 

O God Most High, be my help!”

You turned my lament into dancing; 

You undid my clothes of mourning, 

And wrapped me with joy,

So that my soul may sing praises to You 

And not be silent. 

O God my God,
I will give thanks to You forever.

Hymn: #746 Send Me Jesus THUMA MINA

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 5:1-14

(Pg. 416 in the Old Testament in the pew Bible)

Sermon: Who You Gonna Call? Pastor John Nelson

Pastoral Prayer| Silent Prayer | Lord’s Prayer (debts)

Response #515: I Come with Christians Far and Near

Offering of our Gifts 

Anthem: Go Ye into All the World Robert Wetzler

Doxology: #609 LASST UNS ERFREUEN 

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; 

praise God, all creatures high and low.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Praise God, in Jesus fully known:
Creator, Word and Spirit one.

Alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Prayer of Dedication

God, your compassion and generosity exceed every earthly measure. All that we have is yours, given into our care. In the light of your abundant grace, we pray your blessing on these tithes and offerings. Guide us in the use of all that we bring, that these gifts may contribute to building your realm of mercy and justice. In Jesus’ name we ask it; Amen.

Sacrament of Communion

The cut bread on the communion plate is gluten free.

The communion wine is non-alcoholic.

Communion Prayer (in unison)

In this time of looking back, O Lord, we are more prepared to look forward. In remembering all you have done for us, we are better able to imagine your future. We give thanks that your mercy has revived and encouraged us, that we might go forward in hope. For this time of grace, we give you our heartfelt praise. Amen.

Hymn #744: Arise, Your Light is Come FESTAL SONG 


Response: #515 Together Met, Together Bound

Postlude: We All Believe In One God J.S. Bach

(✠ The congregation may stand.)

Welcome Statement

We seek to love God with all our hearts, souls and minds and love our neighbors as ourselves. This Church is Open to all for participation, membership, leadership and employment regardless of race, ancestry, class, gender identity, physical and mental ability or sexual orientation. We Affirm each individual as a child of God, celebrating the total identity of each person.

As an Open and Affirming Congregation, we commit to work toward ending ignorance, fear, hatred, prejudice, and discrimination against any person.

Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey,
you are welcome here!

If you are visiting us today, Welcome! Please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to our Pastor or to one of the Deacons. Fill out a welcome card in the pew to be put on our email list! 

Please see an usher if you would like to use a hearing device. Join us in the Parish Hall for refreshments and fellowship following worship. 

Many thanks to:

Kathy Mera for serving as our lay reader; Stephanie Tierney & Deborah Moore for serving as ushers

Prayer List

Dale Sapp, Marty Finkle, Sean Clegg, Bolton Hull, Roberta Fay, J. Kevin Carroll, Siddhi, Evan Adsit, Marty Sorenson, Franny Yerkes, Terry Roy & family, Petee Robinson, Leonard Kaufman, Dick Taber, Tom Splaine, Joe K., Peter & Linda, Paula & Herman, Anne & Bill, Jan & John Hazard, Pauline, Sonya’s mother

Psalm quoted from The Psalms in Worship, Mary Susan Gast, © 2002;
used by permission in this service of worship.


Today: 11:30 am Open and Affirming Meeting

Monday: 1 pm Salisbury Duplicate Bridge

Tuesday: 5 pm Christian Action Meeting

Wednesday: 9 am Staff Meeting

11 am Worship at Noble Horizons