Today is Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten season…a season ofpreparation for Easter. Our English word Lent comes from an Anglo-Saxon wordwhich means “to lengthen” and is associated with the lengthening of days in thespring. For the first two centuries of Christianity, the period of preparation forEaster was only 40 hours in remembrance of the time Jesus spent in the tomb.By the third century, this observance had extended to six days, and in 325 A.D.,the season extended to 40 days. By the eighth century, Ash Wednesday wasrecognized as the beginning of Lent. Ash Wednesday derives its name from OldTestament times when sackcloth and ashes were used as symbols ofrepentance.Lent is a season of discipline, reflection and getting closer to God.I encourage you to actively plan for Lent. Take advantage of some of theprograms being offered by the church to deepen your own relationship with God,your neighbors and yourself.
• Sunday morning meditation gives you a chance to be still and listen forGod’s calling in your life;
• Four Lenten Learning presentations provide an opportunity to explore whowe are as a church and what we bring to our relationship with God;
• At the Deacon’s Dinners we live out the virtue of hospitality, welcomingneighbors and getting to know one another;
• Daily devotions will be provided for you to start your day with a prayer;
• Highlighting Christian Action activities all month offers a glimpse into some of the ways you might put your faith into action.
• Attending Sunday worship throughout Lent prepares your soul for Easter.
Lent is a beautiful time in the church year. It is the season when we recommitourselves to a life of faith. We examine our life and lifestyles and assess thestrength of our commitment to God. It is a time of repentance – acknowledgingthose areas where we might have turned our hearts away from God. It is also atime of adopting spiritual disciplines that will bring us back or closer to God. Mostimportantly, Lent is a season of action. Do something for Lent! I pray that theseason will bring you closer to God, your neighbors and yourself.Wishing you peace on the journey,