February 18, 2018
First Sunday in Lent
Prelude: Toccata in C Major Johann Sebastian Bach
Chiming of the Hour
*Hymn: #166 Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days
Joys and Concerns
Choral Introit: Hallelujah
Call to Worship
One: Welcome to the time of covenant renewal.
The God of our salvation greets us here.
All: We are reminded of God’s promises to us;
We remember the promises we have made.
One: Sense the Spirit descending on us now.
Hear God’s welcoming voice.
All: Surely God is with us.
We can hear God calling our names.
One: See the rainbow in the sky.
Wonder at God’s steadfast love.
All: All creation proclaims the wonders of God.
We come together to learn what God wants to teach us.
One: Come let us worship together!
Opening Prayer (in unison)
Lead us in your truth this day, gracious God. We long to know your ways and to be guided by your Spirit. Direct us into that realm where your purposes govern the hearts and minds of all your children. We want to grow in the likeness of Jesus, to learn and to live in ways that are pleasing you. We wait for you now, eager to respond to your instruction. Let nothing cut us off from you or separate us from one another, not only in this time of worship but as we face the challenges of another week. Amen.
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession (in unison)
Have mercy on your church, O God, for we forget the covenant into which you call us. We muddle along in our self-serving schemes rather than waiting on your word. We follow the path of least resistance without seeking your higher way. We forget our baptism into a faith community built on trust and forgiveness. We turn from the vision of heaven to the treacherous hell of competing egos. O God, we turn to you to lead us to a new day. According to your steadfast love, forgive us. Hear us now as we turn to you with our silent confessions, seeking your mercy, forgiveness and grace.
Moment of Silent Prayer
Assurance of God’s Love
*Gloria Patri: #582 Glory to God whose goodness shines on me, and to the Son, whose grace has pardoned me, and to the Spirit, whose love has set me free. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. Amen.
Responsive Reading – Psalm 25:1-10
(Page 618 HS in pew bible)
Reading from the Hebrew Scriptures – Genesis 9:8-17
(Page 9 HS in the pew bible)
Sacrament of Baptism of Robert Kuhn
Service of Covenant
Invitation: We invite the following people to come forward to enter into covenant with our congregation:
Amanda Halloran Jane Simonds
Kyle Halloran Scott Simonds
Robert Kuhn Erin Swett
Kerry Noble Matthew Swett
Pastor: By your baptism you were made one with us in the body of Christ, the church. Today we rejoice in your pilgrimage of faith which has brought you to this time and place. We celebrate your presence here. Let us pray.
Eternal God, we praise you for calling us to be your servant people and for gathering us into the body of Christ. We thank you for sending to us these individuals that we may work together in serving the needs of others. Confirm in us the power of your covenant that we may live in your Spirit, share regularly in worship, and so love each other that we may have among us the same mind which was in Christ Jesus.
All: Amen
Pastor: Let us renew our covenant vows together:
All: We covenant with God and with one another to walk in God’s holy ways. We unite for the worship of God and for the continued striving to know and to do God’s will and for the service of God and humanity.
We acknowledge this Church to be part of all those in every age and nation who are united by the Holy Spirit of God in Christ, and we dedicate ourselves to serve this fellowship according to our strength, ability and opportunity. Amen.
Deacon: Let us, the members of the Congregational Church of Salisbury, United Church of Christ express our welcome to our newest covenant partners.
Congregation: We welcome you with joy in the common life of this church. We promise you our friendship and prayers as we share the hopes and labors of the church of Jesus Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit may we continue to grow together in God’s knowledge and love and be witnesses of our risen Savior.
Pastor: Let us pray. Almighty God, who in baptism received these your servants into the church, forgave their sins and promised them eternal life, increase in them the gifts of your Holy Spirit. Grant love for others, joy in serving you, peace in disagreement, patience in suffering, kindness toward all people, goodness in evil times, faithfulness in temptation, gentleness in the face of opposition, self-control in all things. Thereby strengthen them for the ministry in the world; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Deacon: In the name of Jesus Christ, and on behalf of the Congregational Church of Salisbury, we extend to you the hand of Christian love, welcoming you into the company of this local church.
Each person is greeted.
*Hymn: #489 Wonder of Wonders, Here Revealed
(Children will leave for Sunday School)
Offering of our Gifts
Anthem: How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place Johannes Brahms
Jo Loi, piano
*Doxology: #607 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Christ, all people here below; praise Holy Spirit ever more; praise Triune God whom we adore. Amen.
*Prayer of Dedication
Gospel Reading – Mark 1:9-15
(Page 42 NT in the pew bible)
Sermon: “People of Promise”
Reverend Dr. Diane Monti-Catania
Pastoral Prayer, Silent Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
Response: Holy, Holy, Holy
Hymn: #625 How Great Thou Art
Response: Amen
Postlude: Fugue in C Major Johann Sebastian Bach
(* Please stand if able.)
Welcome Statement
We, the Salisbury Congregational Church, seek to love God with all our hearts, souls and minds and love our neighbors as ourselves.
This Church declares itself to be Open and Affirming to all for participation, membership, leadership and employment regardless of race, ancestry, class, gender identity, physical/mental ability or sexual orientation.
We further declare ourselves to be Affirming of each individual as a child of God, celebrating the total identity of each person.
As a declared Open and Affirming Congregation, we commit ourselves to work toward ending ignorance, fear, hatred, prejudice and discrimination against any person.
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!
If you are visiting us today, Welcome!
Please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to our Pastor or to one of the Deacons. Fill out a welcome card in the pew to be put on our email list!
Please see an usher:
If you would like to use a hearing device
If you would like to bring your child to the Nursery
Please join us in the Parish Hall for refreshments and fellowship following worship. All are welcome. Today’s hosts are Cynthia LaPier & Deborah Mark.
Many thanks to:
Karin Noyes for serving as lay reader
Becky Belcher Feen & Kathy Mera for ushering
Prayer List
Debbie Merwin, Jessica Whelton, Keith Grant, Ellie Owens, Jack Ritchie, Marian Ferguson, Jane Fitting, Libby Bishop, Miles Bishop, Chuck Carroll, Andrew Gunderson, Dick Taber, Gail Weigel, Paula & Herman Blumberg, Harriet, Emily, Anne, Bill, Carolyn, Peter, the family & friends of: Erik Rydingsword, Barbara Pogue, Barbara Jacquette, Gloria Buckley, Gordon Weekly, George Kieffer, Richard Hayes and Kelly Bannister, those among us who struggle with anxiety, depression and addiction.
Today: 11:30 am Church Council Meeting
Monday: Office Closed ~ Holiday
Tuesday: 12 pm Recovery Yoga in the Parish Hall
6 pm Community Yoga in the Parish Hall
Wednesday: 6 pm Deacons’ Lenten Dinner
7:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Thursday: 10 am Kids’ Yoga in the Nursery
10 am Baby & Me Yoga in the Parish Hall
4:30 pm Women’s Bible Study
7 pm HousaTonics
Friday: 7:45 am Men’s Bible Study
Saturday: 1 pm Open Recital Rehearsal