May 6, 2018
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Prelude: Prelude in A Minor J.S. Bach
Chiming of the Hour
*Hymn: #234 Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain
Joys and Concerns
Choral Introit: Live in Charity
Call to Worship
One: Come all who are born of God;
Abide in the love revealed in Jesus Christ.
All: We come in response to the one who calls us friends. We are here in obedience to Christ’s command.
One: Remember God’s steadfast love and faithfulness. Let hands and voices echo God’s praise.
All: Let our lips pour out a joyful noise.
Let our hands reflect a serving Savior.
One: Sing a new song to God who does marvelous things. Obey God’s commandments which are not burdensome.
All: We clap our hands and sing for joy. We live by faith that conquers the world.
One: Come, let us worship God together!
Prayer of Invocation (in unison)
Come, Holy Spirit, to lift us from empty routines to the surprising joy of your love. Loosen our tongues to praise you with sincere delight. Open our hearts to trust your leading through the mires of fear. You have called us together for mutual support in a time of worship that unites our spirits. We remember that we have been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Teach us to follow where Christ leads. Amen.
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession (in unison)
Ever-present God, we confess to you our unloving thoughts and deeds. We live by standards that we bend and break in our own favor, while ignoring the commandments you have given. We find it hard to love everyone, for so many act in unloving ways. It is easier to treat people as things than to listen for their needs. We withhold ourselves rather than offer our lives, even for our friends. We hoard the gifts you entrust to us instead of letting them bear fruit for you. Cleanse us from these destructive ways, freeing us to love as you have loved us, we pray in Jesus’ name. Hear us now as we turn to you with our silent confessions, seeking your mercy, forgiveness and grace.
Moment of silent prayer
Assurance of God’s Love
Gloria Patri: #581 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.
Responsive Reading – Psalm 98
(Page 678 HS in the pew bible)
Reading from the Early Church – Acts 10:44-48
(Page 158 NT in the pew bible)
Sacrament of Baptism for Olive Wu
Baptismal Prayer
Baptismal Questions
Olive, do you desire to be baptized into the faith and family of Jesus Christ.
I do
Do you renounce the powers of evil and desire the freedom of new life in Christ?
I do.
Do you profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
I do
Do you promise, by the grace of God, to be Christ’s disciple, to follow in the way of our Savior, to resist oppression and evil, to show love and justice, and to witness to the work and word of Jesus Christ as best you are able?
I promise, with the help of God.
Do you promise, according to the grace given you, to grow in the Christian faith and to be a faithful member of the church of Jesus Christ, celebrating Christ’s presence and furthering Christ’s mission in all the world?
I promise, with the help of God.
Pastor: Jesus Christ calls us to make disciples of all nations and to offer them the gift of grace in baptism. Do you, who witness and celebrate this sacrament, promise your love, support, and care to Olive as she is about to be baptized, as she lives and grows in Christ?
People: We promise our love, support and care.
Baptism and blessing
*Hymn: #317 In Christ There Is No East or West (v.1 & 2)
Sacrament of Communion
The cut bread on the communion plate is gluten free.
The communion wine is non-alcoholic.
Communion Prayer (in unison)
Gracious God, you have once again shown us your love by bringing us to this meal. We go from this table, renewed in faith, renewed in courage, and strengthened by your presence. Thank you for loving us so tenderly. Thank you for challenging us to know you better and to receive you more fully. It is in Christ’s name that we pray. Amen.
*Hymn: #318 In Christ There Is No East or West (v.3 & 4)
(Children will leave for Sunday School)
Offering of our Gifts
Anthem: A Place In the Valley Price & Besig
*Doxology: #607 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Christ, all people here below; praise Holy Spirit ever more; praise Triune God whom we adore. Amen.
Prayer of Dedication
Gospel Reading – John 15: 9 – 17
(Page 134 NT in the pew bible)
Sermon: “So that you may love one another”
Reverend Dr. Diane Monti-Catania
Pastoral Prayer, Silent Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Choral Response: #205 Live in Charity
*Hymn: #703 Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me
Response: #205 Live in Charity
Postlude: Fugue in A Minor J.S. Bach
(* Please stand if able.)
Welcome Statement
We, the Salisbury Congregational Church, seek to love God with all our hearts, souls and minds and love our neighbors as ourselves.
This Church declares itself to be Open and Affirming to all for participation, membership, leadership and employment regardless of race, ancestry, class, gender identity, physical/mental ability or sexual orientation.
We further declare ourselves to be Affirming of each individual as a child of God, celebrating the total identity of each person.
As a declared Open and Affirming Congregation, we commit ourselves to work toward ending ignorance, fear, hatred, prejudice and discrimination against any person.
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!
If you are visiting us today, Welcome!
Please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to our Pastor or to one of the Deacons. Fill out a welcome card in the pew to be put on our email list!
Please see an usher:
If you would like to use a hearing device
If you would like to bring your child to the Nursery
Please join us in the Parish Hall for refreshments and fellowship following worship. All are welcome.
Today’s host is Jane Capecelatro.
Many thanks to:
Betsy Beck for serving as lay reader
Prayer List
Bob “Bullet” Sherwood, Jeff Krock, Ron Ham, Sandra Schafer, Mary O’Neill, Laura Hawks, Debbie Merwin, Jessica Whelton, Keith Grant, Jack Ritchie, Marian Ferguson, Jane Fitting, Libby Bishop, Miles Bishop, Chuck Carroll, Andrew Gunderson, Gail Weigel, Paula & Herman Blumberg, Harriet, Emily, Anne, Bill, Peter, Connie, Cheryl and those among us who struggle with anxiety, depression and addiction.
Today: 11:30 am Trustees Meeting
11:30 am Mural Project in the Parish Hall
Monday 3:30 pm Parish Hall Library in use
Tuesday: 3:15 pm SOAR Cooking Class
5:30 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday: 7:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Thursday: 10:30 am Baby Yoga in the Nursery
4:30 pm Women’s Bible Study
7 pm HousaTonics
Saturday: 5 pm HousaTonics Event
Sunday: 10 am Bell Choir Performs
10 am Confirmation of Landon Good
11:30 am Christian Action Meeting