News from the Green Team | May 27, 2020

“Almighty God took and placed the human in the garden of Eden, to work it and keep it” (Genesis 2:15).

As you may know, our church has been committed to stewardship — spiritual, financial, and physical — for many years. This is first in a series of articles from the “Green Team” intended to inspire and educate each of us, to deepen our understanding and involvement in environmental stewardship.

Did you know that …

  • our church has a new investment management firm that was hired because it has both a good track record and a socially/environmentally responsible portfolio?
  • our Sunday school practices the New England Yankee philosophy “use it up, don’t toss it?”
  • over the past few years the Trustees have insulated the attic, upgraded the heating system, added shades to the Meeting House windows, repaired plumbing leaks, and made other upgrades which make the building more energy efficient?
  • our Sunday school children are knowledgeable about recycling, and take it for granted?
  • the Hospitality Committee pledged to “go green” several years ago by using our super-efficient dishwasher to wash dishes and utensils, and that they are researching “green” cleaning products and paper goods?
  • discussions in Sunday school often focus on care for the Earth and God’s creatures as a way of living the Golden Rule?
  • every room upstairs and down in the Fellowship Hall has a recycle bin and we use them well?
  • the Sunday school uses “found” objects in art projects as often as possible?

Have you seen other ways that we are practicing reverence for God’s creation? I invite you to send me anything I missed at [email protected]. I invite you to contact the Green Team with ideas for how we can expand our stewardship. I invite you to join us — at any level of participation.

Theresa Carroll

Next week: “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rejoice!”