This Week
Wednesday, April 5
- 6:00pm Lenten Dinner
- 7:15pm Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, April 6
- 4:30pm Women’s Bible Study
- 7:00pm HousaTonics
Friday, April 7
- 7:30am Men’s Bible Study
- 11:00-8:00 Berkshire Taconic in Parish Hall
Sunday, April 9
- 9:00am Mindfulness Meditation in the Wardell Room at the Scoville Library
- 10:00am Palm Sunday, Sunday School, Youth Discussion Group, Nursery Care
- 3:00pm Spring Oratorio Concert in Meeting House
Tuesday, April 11
- 5:30pm Bell Choir Rehearsal
Click here for April Calendar
The words of this beautiful hymn echo in my mind as I prepare for the holiest week of our Christian year…
Sunday, April 9 ~ 10am Palm Sunday
3pm Spring Oratorio Concert
Thursday, April 13 ~ 7:30pm Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service with Communion
Sunday, April 16 ~ 6am Sunrise Service at the Town Grove;
:45 Bell Choir,
10am Easter Worship (Nursery Care for Children under 4 at 10am Service)
New covenant members were welcomed into the life of the church during our April 2 Worship Service:
Abby Gackenheimer
Becky Belcher Feen
Stephanie Holst-Grubbe
Linda Holst-Grubbe
Joanne Hayhurst
Kurt Colling
Jennifer Tyo
Joan Wallace
Erin Cronk
Pastor Diane’s Sermon this Pallm Sunday, April 9 will be “Swept up in the Crowd“.
Psalm 118:1-2,19-29
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Matthew 21:1-11
Our Youth Discussion Group leader on Sunday, April 9 will be Jenn Good. The group is working on plans to lead worship on May 21. Participation is encouraged, especially for those students who will be eligible for confirmation next year.
Call to the Annual Meeting
The 272nd Annual Meeting, Part II, of the Congregational Church of Salisbury will be held following the worship service on Sunday, April 23, 2017 for the purpose of:
1. Presentation of Reports from Boards and Committees including 2016 Epiphany Fund
2. The Nominating Committee’s Report
3. The Election of Officers and Committees
4. Other business including Trustee’s recommendation to sell the parsonage
The Agenda
CALL of the meeting
ACCEPTANCE of the minutes of the Annual Meeting, Part I, of October 30, 2016
REPORTS as noted above
Watch your email inbox in the couple of weeks for T
he Annual Report.
Sunday School News from Barbara Collins, Coordinator of Christian Education
Forgiveness doesn’t change the past but it can shape the future.
News from Jack Bowman, Minister of Music
Palm Sunday is here! Connecticut will be in bloom soon. Personally, I am ready for daffodils!
Click to read…Music Ministry Minute
Uprooting Addiction: Planting the Seeds of Recovery & Exploring the factors that hold Substance and Behavioral Addictions in place
The Salisbury Congregational Church 2016 Epiphany Fund Grant has been awarded to RC Productions to support the production of Recovering Community: A Documentary of Hope….Click to read
Special Presentation on Friday, June 2, 2017 from 1:00-4:30pm at Salisbury Congregational Church. For more information….Click here
Women’s Bible Study meets on Thursday at 4:30pm in the Parish Hall Library. They are using Donna Schaper’s book, “Lenten LENT: A Way to Refresh & Renew Your Spirit”.
All women are welcome.
Men’s Ecumenical Bible Study meets on Fridays at 7:30am in the Parish Hall. All men are welcome, no prior experience necessary.
If you would like a name added to the prayer list, please call the church office at (860) 435-2442.
Please Sign Up for Coffee Hour and Flowers
Please consider hosting coffee hour alongside a member of the Hospitality Committee, or providing flowers for Worship. Contact Rose Lamson or Janet Kaufman for more information. Sign up sheets are in the Parish Hall.
Donations Needed
The Corner Food Pantry in Lakeville is very low
on donations and our bins at church are empty. Nonperishable food items needed! Please bring your donations to worship with you on Sunday. Click on image for a list of specific items sought.
If you were to choose one item to remind you of God, what would it be?
Talk about it.
We now have the
capability to receive
donations online!
Click above to access
our secure site.
Kathy Mera is coordinating volunteers to help the Syrian Refugee family with transportation to Stop & Shop on Mondays. Please contact Kathy if you can help: (860) 435-0389 or [email protected]
**If you would like your name added to our Birthday list, call or email the church office
Stillspeaking Daily Devotional
Drawn together by the Holy Spirit, we are a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church, joining faith and action.
Read more
The Congregational Chruch of Salisbury, United Church of Christ
125 Main Street, PO Box 392, Salisbury, CT 06068
Phone (860) 435-2442