September 9, 2018
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Prelude: Voluntary and Fugue William Selby
Chiming of the Hour
*Hymn: #610 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Joys and Concerns
Introit: #203 Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love
Call to Worship
One: Listen! God is welcoming us to this time of worship. Young and old, rich and poor, all are welcomed.
All: This is a place where all belong. This is a time when all are accountable to God.
One: The Maker of all seeks our common good. The God of Mercy calls on us to be merciful.
All: We are not judges over our sisters and brothers. We are all called to love our neighbors as ourselves.
One: Come to sing praises and put your trust in God. Come to prepare yourself to serve in Christ’s name.
All: We bring all our needs to God, our hope. We want to share faith and hope with others.
One: Come, let us worship God together!
Prayer of Invocation (in unison)
Author of all humankind, come to lift us up to our full humanity as we worship you in this hour. You surround us on every side and are acquainted with all our ways. You know our shallow motives and our deepest thoughts. You are aware of the distinctions we make and the favoritism we express. Yet you welcome us, not as strangers but as heralds of your reign. We want to worship you and represent you well. Come among us now with your transforming power. Amen.
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession
O God, we confess that our good intentions have gone astray. We favor the people who are like us and honor those we deem to be important. We dishonor the poor, write off those with whom we disagree, excuse our self-serving behavior, and sow injustice on every hand. It is much easier to give advice than to do good. We would rather point fingers at others who are unfair than to give up our own advantages. O God, we plead for your forgiveness and for a depth of faith that will make a difference in us and in our world. Hear us now as we turn to you with our silent confessions, seeking your mercy, forgiveness and grace.
Moment of silent prayer
Assurance of God’s Love
Gloria Patri: #583 Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest! Glory to God, glory to God, alleluia, alleluia!
Responsive Reading – Psalm 146
(Page 715 HS in the pew bible)
Reading from the Hebrew Scriptures –
Isaiah 35:4-7a
(Page 811 HS in the pew bible)
*Hymn: #317 In Christ There Is No East or West (v. 1&2)
Sacrament of Communion
The cut bread on the communion plate is gluten free.
The communion wine is non-alcoholic.
Communion Prayer (in unison)
Gracious God, you have once again shown us your love by bringing us to this meal. We go from this table, renewed in faith, renewed in courage, and strengthened by your presence. Thank you for loving us so tenderly. Thank you for challenging us to know you better and to receive you more fully. It is in Christ’s name that we pray. Amen.
*Hymn: #318 In Christ There Is No East or West (v. 3&4)
(Children will leave for Sunday School & Youth Group)
Offering of our Gifts
Anthem: With A Voice of Singing Martin Shaw
*Doxology: #607 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Christ, all people here below; praise Holy Spirit ever more; praise Triune God whom we adore. Amen.
Prayer of Dedication
Gospel Reading – Mark 7:24-37
(Page 52 NT in the pew bible)
Sermon: “Community of Trust”
Reverend Dr. Diane Monti-Catania
Pastoral Prayer, Silent Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Response: #469 Lord, Listen to your Children Praying
(sung by all) Lord, listen to your children praying; Lord, send your Spirit in this place. Lord, listen to your children praying. Send us love; send us power; send us grace.
*Hymn: Trust and Obey (see insert)
Response: #70 What Does The Lord Require of You
Postlude: Rigaudon Andre Campra
(* Please stand if able.)
Welcome Statement
We, the Salisbury Congregational Church, seek to love God with all our hearts, souls and minds and love our neighbors as ourselves.
This Church declares itself to be Open and Affirming to all for participation, membership, leadership and employment regardless of race, ancestry, class, gender identity, physical/mental ability or sexual orientation.
We further declare ourselves to be Affirming of each individual as a child of God, celebrating the total identity of each person.
As a declared Open and Affirming Congregation, we commit ourselves to work toward ending ignorance, fear, hatred, prejudice and discrimination against any person.
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!
If you are visiting us today, Welcome!
Please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to our Pastor or to one of the Deacons. Fill out a welcome card in the pew to be put on our email list!
Please see an usher if:
You would like to use a hearing device
If you would like to bring your child to the Nursery
Please join us in the Parish Hall for refreshments and fellowship following worship. All are welcome. Today’s host is Debby Mark.
Many thanks to:
Bob Maxwell for serving as our lay reader
Kathy Mera & Jim Hussey for ushering
The Deacons for hosting breakfast this morning
Prayer List
Dick Taber, Tom Splaine
Family & friends of Don Cuneo
Please contact the office if you would like to add a name to the prayer list. Names may be added at any time by calling the office 860-435-2442 or
emailing [email protected]. Please make sure you have permission from someone to add their name to this public list.
Leo Gafney will be our guest preacher and presenter on Sunday, October 14. Leo is a former Jesuit priest who earned a master’s degrees in Theology and Mathematics and a doctorate in education. He was the founding principal of a small inner-city school in Baltimore. His latest book is “Never Stop Praying”. He is the co-facilitator of the Men’s Interfaith Bible study group with Dick Taber.
Today: 10 am Worship with Communion; Nursery Care, Sunday School & Youth Group Begins
11:30 am Trustees Meeting
11:30 am Fall Festival Committee Meeting
Monday: 3:30 pm Parish Hall Library in use
Tuesday: 7 pm Sinfonietta Rehearsal in the Parish Hall
Wednesday: 11 am Worship at Noble Horizons
7:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Friday: 7:45 am Men’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study will resume on Thursday, September 27 at 4:30pm in the Parish Hall Library. All women are welcome, no previous experience necessary. Men’s Ecumenical Bible Study will resume on Friday, September 14 at 7:45 am. All men are welcome.
The CROP Hunger Walk will take place on Sunday, September 30. Salisbury Congregational Church is once again building a spirited team to walk and/or donate. Cammiel Hussey and Mary O’Neill are co-captains for CROP Walk 2018. Join our team! Walk! Donate! Help our local, national, and global neighbors fight hunger and build self-sufficiency. The CROP Hunger Walk will take place on Sunday, September 30. Salisbury Congregational Church is once again building a spirited team to walk and/or donate. Cammiel Hussey and Mary O’Neill are co-captains for CROP Walk 2018. Join our team! Walk! Donate! Help our local, national, and global neighbors fight hunger and build self-sufficiency.