January 20, 2019
Second Sunday after Epiphany
Prelude: Prelude in G Minor Johann Sebastian Bach
Chiming of the Hour
*Hymn:#1 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Joys and Concerns
Introit: #188Jesus Loves Me!
Call to Worship
One: With steadfast love, God calls our names. Come to find refuge in the shelter of God’s ways.
All: We long to be recognized and affirmed. We are eager for a place of shelter and security.
One: Feast on the abundance of God’s house. Come to drink deeply from the fountain of life.
All: We are ready to hear the Word of God. We want to be guided by eternal truth.
One: Reach out to claim the gifts God pours onto us. The Spirit is eager to inspire and empower each one.
All: When God calls us, we cannot remain silent. When Christ is real to us, we accept our discipleship.
One: Come, let us worship God together!
Prayer of Invocation (in unison)
How awesome is it that you care for us, God of all life! Your delight in us brings out our best. When you rejoice in us, we come to believe in our capacity for goodness. When your light and salvation dawn in our lives, we want to share the joy. Remind us now of the gifts you so freely bestow. Help us to recognize them in ourselves and in one another, that we may use them to serve people in need and give glory to your name. Amen.
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession (in unison)
God of the heathen and the righteous, we confess that we have moved away from our commitment to Christ. We have denied your gifts, ignored your inspiration, and wandered from your healing presence. Yet we cannot escape your claim on us, for wherever we go, you are there. How precious is your steadfast love that saves us from our selfish desires to live for higher values! Strengthen us to do as you tell us, as Christ demonstrated among us. Hear now our silent confessions as we turn to you, seeking your mercy, forgiveness and grace.
Moment of Silent Prayer
Assurance of God’s Love
Gloria Patri: #581 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, amen.
Responsive Reading – Psalm 36:5-10
(Page 727 in the Hebrew Scriptures in the pew Bible)
Reading from Hebrew Scripture – Isaiah 62:1-5
(Page 847 in the Hebrew Scriptures in the pew Bible)
Children’s Message & Lord’s Prayer
*Hymn:#738 O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee
(Children will leave for Sunday School)
Offering of our Gifts
Anthem: Beautiful Savior F. Melius Christiansen
*Doxology:#607 Praise Godfrom whom all blessings flow; praise Christ, all people here below; praise Holy Spirit ever more;
praise Triune Godwhom we adore. Amen.
Prayer of Dedication
Gospel Reading– John 2:1-11
(Page 113 in the New Testament in the pew Bible)
Sermon Jason Larson
Pastoral Prayer & Silent Prayer
Response: #188Jesus Loves Me!
*Hymn:#192 Lord, the Light of Your Love Is Shining
Response: The Lord Bless You and Keep You Peter Lutkin
Postlude: Fugue in G Minor Johann Sebastian Bach
(* Please stand if able.)
Welcome Statement
We, the Salisbury Congregational Church, seek to love God with all our hearts, souls and minds and love our neighbors as ourselves.
This Church declares itself to be Open and Affirming to all for participation, membership, leadership and employment regardless of race, ancestry, class, gender identity, physical/mental ability or sexual orientation.
We further declare ourselves to be Affirming of each individual as a child of God, celebrating the total identity of each person.
As a declared Open and Affirming Congregation, we commit ourselves to work toward ending ignorance, fear, hatred, prejudice and discrimination against any person.
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!
If you are visiting us today, Welcome!
Please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to our Pastor or to one of the Deacons. Fill out a welcome card in the pew to be put on our email list!
Please join us in the Parish Hall for refreshments and fellowship following worship. All are welcome.
Please see an usher if:
You would like to use a hearing device.
If you would like to bring your child to the Nursery.
Many thanks to:
Jason Larson for leading us in Worship this morning
Lorna Edmundson for serving as our lay reader
Sharon Tingley & Roger Crain for serving as ushers
The Deacons on call this week will be Kathy Mera& Bob Maxwell
Prayer List
Roberta Fay, J. Kevin Carroll, Siddhi, Evan Adsit, Marty Sorenson, Franny Yerkes, Terry Roy & family, Petee Robinson, Leonard Kaufman, Dick Taber,Tom Splaine, Laura Hawks, Joe K., Peter & Linda, Paula & Herman, Anne & Bill, Jan & John Hazard
Today: 11:30 am Church Council
Monday: 1 pm Salisbury Duplicate Bridge
Wednesday: 7:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Thursday: 4:30 pm Women’s Bible Study
7 pm HousaTonics
Friday: 7:45 am Men’s Bible Study
Today the children will be distributing bags for you to bring home. Please take one to fill and help those in need. Every little bit helps. The bags will then be collected on Sunday, January 27th. In December, the Corner Food Pantry provided Holiday turkeys and meals to 53 Households comprising 213 people in December.For the full 2018 Year, the Pantry served 50 Households per week on average and provided over 91,000 meals and almost 110,000 pounds of food!
The Tribute Box with fond memories, thanks and good wishes for Pastor Diane will remain on the marble-top table on the Fellowship Hall stage. These messages are for Pastor Diane to read at her leisure in the coming days and months and are for her eyes only, so be sure to use an envelope.
As we all know, Silver Lake is near and dear to Pastor Diane’s heart. A monetary gift will be presented to Silver Lake in her name. If you would like to contribute, please make checks payable to the Congregational Church of Salisbury (with “Diane-Silver Lake” in the memo line) and send to the church office.