
February 19, 2017

Seventh Sunday After Epiphany

 Prelude: Kyrie, God, Great is Thy Mercy             J.S.Bach

Chiming of the Hour

*Hymn: #35 Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty


Joys and Concerns

Choral Introit: Goodness Is Stronger Than Evil

 Call to Worship

One:    The God of heaven has made a home on earth.

All:      Christ dwells among us and is one with us.

One:    Come now all who thirst.

All:      And drink the water of life.

One:    Come now all who hunger.

All:      And be filled with good things.

One:    Come now all who seek.

All:      And be warmed by the fire of love.

One:    Come and worship the living God.

Prayer of Invocation (in unison)

How wonderful you are, living God, empowering friend, eternal lover, three in one, our hope’s beginning and its end: Help us to worship you in order to obey you. Help us to love you in order to better serve you. Help us to adore you in order to better follow you. For we know faithful discipleship begins in worship, in love, in adoration. Bend our lives to your will, entice us into your family, draw us to your yourself, for it is in service that we find our perfect freedom. Amen.

Call to Confession

 Prayer of Confession (in unison)

You have given us the teachings of Jesus to direct us in the way of life. But those teachings are hard, and we find it difficult to follow where you lead, to turn the other cheek, to love our enemies, to forgive even once, let alone seven times seventy. Forgive us, Lord, when we stumble. Then pick us up to keep trying, trusting not in our own strength, but in your grace and through the power of the Holy Spirit, that we might be more fully your people in our world and live in the confidence and joy of Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.

Moment of Silence

Assurance of God’s Love

*Gloria Patri: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

 Responsive Reading – Psalm 119:33-40

                        (Page 697 HS in the pew bible)

Reading from the Hebrew Scriptures –

Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18

                        (Page 132 HS in the pew bible)

Children’s Message and Lord’s Prayer (debts)

(Children will leave for Sunday School and Youth Discussion Group)

*Hymn: #749 Come Live In The Light

 Offering of Gifts

Anthem: With A Voice of Singing                   Martin Shaw

 *Doxology: Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication

 New Testament Reading – Matthew 5: 38-48

                        (Page 6 NT in the pew bible)

Sermon: “What God Expects”

The Reverend Richard Reifsnyder

Pastoral Prayer, Silent Prayer

Response: Threefold Amen

 *Hymn: #353 My Hope Is Built


Response: Goodness Is Stronger Than Evil

Postlude: We All Believe In One God               J.S.Bach

(*Please stand if able)

If you are visiting us today, Welcome! Please sign the guestbook at the front door and introduce yourself to our Pastor or to one of our Deacons.

Please join us in the Parish Hall for refreshments and fellowship following worship. All are welcome. Our host today is Linda Estabrook.

Please see an usher:

If you would like to use a hearing device;

If you would like to bring your child to the Nursery

Many thanks to:

Sheryl Kennedy for serving as lay reader

Vince Hanlon & John Arnold for ushering

Charlie Noyes & Betsy Beck for pantomiming the New Testament Reading

Pastor Diane will be on vacation February 13-21.

For pastoral emergencies, please contact a deacon.

Prayer List

Alice Gustafson, Leonard Kaufman, Laura Flores, Margie Vail, Gordon Weekly, Paul McAbee, Shirley Rogers, Jane Fitting, Nancy Tuckerman, Barbara Jacquette, Gloria Buckley, Petie Robinson, Gay Ayers, The Sosnoff Family, Wilma Tillerman, Will, Al.


The Mindfulness Meditation is cancelled for this morning

 Today             11:30 am Church Council Meeting

Monday          Office Closed ~ President’s Day

Tuesday         5:15 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday    5:30 pm Deacon’s Meeting

7:15 pm Choir Rehearsal

Thursday       4:30 pm Women’s Bible Study

5:30 pm Girl Scouts Open House

7 pm HousaTonics Rehearsal

Friday             7:30 am Men’s Bible Study

Saturday        9 – 5 pm Music Rehearsal

Sunday           11:30 am “Unbirthday” Celebration

3 pm Open Recital Concert



Kristine Jennings is taking photos for our new directory after worship this morning. Kristine will be in the Parish Hall near the library. If you have not already done so, please make the time to see her, so you can be included in the new directory!


You are invited to join the congregation for dinner on Wednesday evenings: March 1, 8, 22 & April 5 during Lent. The Deacon’s host a simple meal of soup and salad from 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm. All are welcome! To sign up, access the Doodle Poll in the weekly e-blast or contact the office.