
February 26, 2017

Transfiguration Sunday

 Prelude: Prelude in G Minor           Dietrich Buxtehude

Chiming of the Hour

*Hymn: #49 The God of Abraham Praise


Joys and Concerns

Choral Introit: Shine Jesus Shine

 Call to Worship

One:    The coming of a new day calls us to anticipate God’s dawn. The day of God’s dawning is like a morning star rising.

All:      The light of God is like a devouring fire. God’s brightness is too intense for our gaze.

One:    Come up to the mountain of God’s presence. Wait for God to reveal divine intentions for us.

All:      We are eyewitnesses to God’s majesty. We have sensed God’s presence in stories of Jesus.

One:    Look up, and do not be afraid. Jesus, whom you seek, is transfigured before you.

All:      We will serve our God with fear and trembling. Happy are those whose refuge is in God.

One:    Come, let us worship God together!

Prayer of Invocation (in unison)

Amazing God, as leaders of old sought high places of encounter with you, lift us up above the fogs of our technology and theology that we might meet you in this hour. If you have instructions for us, we want to hear them. If our lives need a change of direction, turn us around. If there is a prophecy we have ignored, reveal to us its meaning for us. If the Scriptures hold truth we have overlooked, awaken our attention and grant us courage to respond in new and positive ways. Amen.

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession (in unison)

God of dazzling splendor, we confess that we have lived in a cloud, hiding from your glory and pretending not to notice the wonders of your majesty. The mystery of life eludes us because we take for granted what seems commonplace and refuse to deal with matters beyond our understanding. We have tried to put our religion in a compartment separate from the rest of life. We have not thought to serve you in everyday encounters. Shake our complacency, we pray, and awaken us to new life in all its fullest. Hear now our silent confessions as we turn to you seeking mercy, forgiveness and grace. Amen.

Moment of Silence

Assurance of God’s Love

*Gloria Patri: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

 Responsive Reading – Psalm 99

                        (Page 678 HS in the pew bible)

Reading from the Hebrew Scriptures –

Exodus 24:12-18

                        (Page 87 HS in the pew bible)

Children’s Message and Lord’s Prayer (debts)

(Children will leave for Sunday School and Youth Discussion Group)

*Hymn: #189 O Wondrous Sight

 Offering of Gifts

Anthem: If God Is For Us                             Pepper Choplin

 *Doxology: Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication

 New Testament Reading – Matthew 17:1-9

                        (Page 22 NT in the pew bible)

Sermon: “Close Encounters”

Reverend Diane Monti-Catania

Pastoral Prayer, Silent Prayer

Response: Shine Jesus Shine

 *Hymn: #193 Jesus Take Us To The Mountain


Response: Shine Jesus Shine

Postlude: Fugue in G Minor             Dietrich Buxtehude

(*Please stand if able)

If you are visiting us today, Welcome! Please sign the guestbook at the front door and introduce yourself to our Pastor or to one of our Deacons.

Please join us in the Parish Hall for refreshments and fellowship following worship. All are welcome. Our host today is Linda Estabrook.

Please see an usher:

If you would like to use a hearing device;

If you would like to bring your child to the Nursery

Many thanks to:

Linda Estabrook for serving as lay reader

Vince Hanlon & John Arnold for ushering

Prayer List

Alice Gustafson, Leonard Kaufman, Laura Flores, Margie Vail, Gordon Weekly, Paul McAbee, Shirley Rogers, Jane Fitting, Nancy Tuckerman, Barbara Jacquette, Gloria Buckley, Petie Robinson, Gay Ayers, The Sosnoff Family, Wilma Tillerman, Will, Al.


Today             11:30 am Unbirthday Celebration

3 pm Open Recital

Tuesday         5:15 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday    6 pm Lenten Dinner

7:15 pm Choir Rehearsal

Thursday       4:30 pm Women’s Bible Study

7 pm HousaTonics Rehearsal

Friday             7:30 am Men’s Bible Study

Sunday           11:30 am Trustees Meeting

2 pm Worship at Noble

2 pm Lenten Lecture



Kristine Jennings is taking photos for our new directory after worship this morning. Kristine will be in the Parish Hall near the library. If you have not already done so, please make the time to see her, so you can be included in the new directory!


You are invited to join the congregation for dinner on Wednesday evenings: March 1, 8, 22 & April 5 during Lent. The Deacons host a simple meal of soup and salad from 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm. All are welcome! To sign up, access the Doodle Poll in the weekly e-blast or contact the office.