You’ve reached the home of Salisbury UCC’s prayer wall.
Please submit your concern or joy below, so we know how to pray for you!
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Stephanie Tierney
Ben Salamone is recovering at Hartford Hospital after a complicated but successful surgery on his cancer. Joe and I will be his caregivers as he gets back on his feet. Prayers welcome!
Received: December 7, 2022
Lorna and Daniel Edmundson
In lovibg memory of Dr. Roberta Rose Edmundson, Dan Edmundson's elder sister.
Received: September 7, 2022
Susie Belcher
Baby Sid had the hole in his heart repaired a few weeks ago. All seemingly went well until he developed respiratory issues which they do not know whether related to the heart surgery, virus, pneumonia etc. So he is back in the NICU @ Boston Children's Hospital. His GI tube was leaking and that has been changed so that nutrition now goes directly into his intestines, bypassing the stomach....all promoting growth which is what he needs leading up to the esphoageal procedure now tentatively scheduled for 8/30. They will do the "Foker" procedure which necessitates the baby be put into a coma and paralyzed for as much as 3 weeks. This is because they want zero movement so the sutures remain intact. The team is considered the best in the world so we are remaining confident that all will go well. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his parents who are navigating extremely challenging logistics between Providence and Boston and their 3 year old daughter!
Received: August 3, 2022
Beth Isler
For our son Bill’s girlfriend MingMing whose cancer is not responding well to multiple surgeries.
Received: July 13, 2022
Theresa Carroll
Best possible outcome according to God's will for Barb Semon.
Received: July 13, 2022
Janet Kaufman
For my friend, Vicky, who lost her brother, John, last week to complications of a brain tumor. And for his family and friends all mourning his loss.
Received: June 30, 2022
Rev. Dr. Eileen L. Epperson
I lead one (on forgiveness) of five modules in a potent Zoom course for hundreds of African women leaders. In this current course, there is a new body: a group refugee women in Uganda and in Kenya. I ask prayers for our team of course leaders as we discover how to serve these women with their especially awful stories.
Received: June 22, 2022
Salisbury UCC
For baby Sid, born with esophageal atresia, in NICU at Children's Hospital, Providence, for all giving him care, and for his family.
Received: April 17, 2022
Allison Gray
For my sister in law, Stephanie, who is on her 3rd round of radiation and just learned that the cancer has moved to her liver. Support, love & endurance for my brother, Brent.
Received: March 12, 2022
Salisbury UCC
For God's healing presence with each of the 82,160,361 persons with COVID-19 disease in the world over the last four weeks, including the 11,327,036 in our country;
for God's sustaining spirit with those who are grieving each one of the 277,010 deaths, including 67,358 in the US;
for God's power to move through each person giving healing care for body, mind, and spirit;
for God's strength to sustain those developing and delivering vaccines and other measures to keep people safe.