You’ve reached the home of Salisbury UCC’s prayer wall.
Please submit your concern or joy below, so we know how to pray for you!
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Margie Vail
Prayers today for our dear friend Sandra who is to undergo eye surgery at noon today.
Received: November 11, 2021
Prayers are needed for all of the families who lived a nightmare a few nights ago in Millerton with a devastating fire and the loss of two lives. From what I understand 5 families are now homeless and needing resources and housing and most of all, to be lifted up and to have faith they will get back on their feet eventually.
Received: November 10, 2021
Salisbury UCC
For God's healing presence with each of the 248,986,622 persons with COVID-19 disease in the world, including the 47,105,468 in our country;
for God's sustaining spirit with those who are grieving each one of the 5,040,426 deaths, including 770,854 in the US;
for God's power to move through each person giving healing care for body, mind, and spirit;
for God's strength to sustain those developing and delivering vaccines and other measures to keep people safe.
Received: November 4, 2021
Salisbury UCC
For Deb and all who are advocating and striving to save the Sharon Hospital, keeping all needed medical services.
Received: November 4, 2021
Allison Gray
prayers and healing from cancer for my sister in law Stephanie who is starting radiation treatment for the 3rd time and for my brother Brent, Stephanie's husband, for strength, patience and support.
Received: November 3, 2021
Salisbury UCC
For God's healing presence with each of the 243,547,503 persons with COVID-19 disease in the world, including the 46,183,693 in our country;
for God's sustaining spirit with those who are grieving each one of the 4,949,697 deaths, including 753,875 in the US;
for God's power to move through each person giving healing care for body, mind, and spirit;
for God's strength to sustain those developing and delivering vaccines and other measures to keep people safe.
Received: October 22, 2021
Salisbury UCC
Prayers for healing from breast cancer for Gale Bahr, Pauline Koinis, and Johanna Mann.
Received: October 22, 2021
Rosanne Lamson
Please keep both my brother Ed and his wife Lynda. They are both fighting heart issues and cancer.
Received: October 14, 2021
Lorna Edmundson
For all those who resist being vaccinated against COVID19, that they may have a change of heart to protect themselves and others.
Received: October 6, 2021
Salisbury UCC
For Linda Estabrook, recovering from surgery to repair a broken hip.